
Thulite July Crystal

I was very drawn to this crystal. When we are drawn to certain crystals they are calling to us as the crystal will see that they can work with us to heal or elevate our lives.

Thulite is named after the mythical land of Thule. It was initially discovered in 1820 in Telemark, Norway.

Thulite has pinkish to reddish hues. It is a variety of Zoisite. This beautiful crystal can be found in many places around the world. Norway is the country that is most associated with Thulite.

For crystal healing, Thulite is a stone of self love, rebirth, regeneration and healing. Working with Thulite will open us up to loving ourselves and others. This crystals helps form lasting bonds and relationships.

This is a stone that can be used to eliminate low self esteem and combat self-sabotage. It will break the bonds that hold us back from being our best selves. Thulite brings out the best within us and lets us shine.

This is a great crystal to use for healing mental and emotional issues. It will increase positivity within yourself and to those around you.

Enjoy the July Crystal!



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