Religious Discrimination: why are people so hateful?
When I was in a Christian religion I was horrified and disgusted that they would teach to love one another.
Literally when I was Christian this scripture was shoved down my throat weekly:
“I give you a
I will never understand why these religious zealots are so hateful. Most of the time they are the ones treating women horribly (sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse). How the LGBTQIA community is treated, I can't even grasp the hate that is thrown that direction. And. then we get into the Religious Discrimination. If you don't fit in their perfect Christian cult they will be horrible to you.
Earlier I received the email above. If you are in the Pagan community, you understand that we worship the elements, nature and try to spread love. Then you get ignorant messages. We don't go to their Christian Churches and point out their extreme hypocrisy they have and the hate that fills their veins.
Part of the reason I left Christianity was because they would say "love one another" but there is zero unconditional love. It is full of hate and judgement.
If these people ever read the Bible they would know that sending emails like the one above, the hate and discrimination they show to any non Christian belief, abuse women and children, and the numerous abuses they place on LGBTQIA community doesn't fall under the new testament or the teachings of their Jesus.
This hate needs to stop. Clearly they don't understand the words in the Bible if they continue to attack protected groups.
This does need to stop. It is not okay.
I ask that all minorities, Pagans, Wiccans, Women, LGBTQIA stand up! Our voices need to be heard. The hate spewed by these people needs to stop. It is not okay.
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