Triple Goddess Apothecary & Reiki Top Eight Books for Beginning Witches


One question most of my beginning witchcraft students ask me is what books are good to read when just starting this spiritual pathway. There are so many amazing books out there by many spiritually strong occult practitioners.

This was a hard list to narrow down I could have easily done a top 100. However, I limited it to six books to help determine your pathway and two books that I highly recommend that every witch should have in their practice.

The six books I recommend for those new to the path, I am recommending to help you pick your path.  When I started my first teacher recommended several Wiccan books. I would have appreciated a few more book recommendations on other traditions. I picked just a few to get you started. They are listed in the order that I recommend reading them to help you get that jumpstart.

Six Beginning Witchcraft Books

1. The Beginner's Guide to the Occult by Deborah Lipp

If you are brand new exploring this spiritual path this is a great book to start with and can give you direction as to what path you might want to study more. Deborah is highly respected in the Occult community and has many great books and cartomancy decks published.  In this book she gives a brief overview of several different Occult practices, a brief history, practices, and concepts.

2. Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn

No matter what pathway in the Occult that you choose to practice, Psychic Witch has 91 exercises that help guide you through meditation and manifestation. Hands down this is a must read book.  This book helps you grow greatly in spirituality and helps you delve deeper into your own personal growth and spiritual pathway. 

I can also say if you ever get an opportunity to attend a workshop or class that Mat Auryn is teaching, take advantage by attending.  Mat is a fabulous teacher.

3.  Witchery Embrace the Witch Within by Juliet Diaz

This book is so inspiring and has a special magick that just infuses your brain as you read.  This book is organized in a way that it builds on different concepts to prepare you for your magickal life. Without spoiling the whole book, it helps build on many concepts that will help your practice grow.

Juliet is an amazing teacher and lecturer. If you get a chance take a class or attend a lecture she is participating in, her energy will boost and excite you.

4. The Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak

Another fabulous book that will get you started and give you ideas, exercises, and help you on this beautiful pathway. This is building on the importance of mediation, psychic development and building your magick. 

Christopher teaches many classes both in person and online. I enjoy taking classes when available and attending his lectures. Thus, I am also recommending that you try to attend some of his classes.

5. The Crooked Path An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft by Kelden

If you are drawn to traditional witchcraft this is a great beginning book. Kelden has been practicing for over a decade. He provides a lot of great information and teaches you how to weave the power of practice of your landscape and folklore into your personal practice.  You will learn how to connect with Deities, Spirits of place, ancestors and other spirits. This is a great introduction to traditional witchcraft.

6. Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner by Salina Krasskova and Raven Kaldera

If you are drawn to ancient Saxon, Norse and Germanic people this is an informative and great book to help you begin your practice. This book is informative and gives you beginning practices and exercises that you can incorporate into your practice.

Two Resource Books

1. Scott Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

If you plan on working with herbs in your practice this is a must have book.  This book was originally published back in 1985. This is easy to use and follow. One of the more comprehensive herb books for the craft that is out.  There are a lot out however this one is not to heavy and easy to work with in your craft. It is a great beginning herb book.

2. Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes

This is a must have in your library. If you plan on working with herbs, crystals, intentions, Deities, planets, and more this book will help you coordinate the correspondences to use in your spells, rituals, charm bags, and more.  It's easy to use, very informative and lots of great information. 

Sandra is a knowledgeable witch and has many books out. Start with the Correspondences and if you are drawn to work with herbs, crystals, trees, and essential oils you will want to add Sandra's other books to your library.

Enjoy learning and growing on your magickal path. 


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