January 2021 Classes

Triple Goddess Apothecary and Reiki is please to announce the January 2021 classes. As we still are in a state of "Stay at Home". Classes are offered online.

All Basic Witchcraft classes are $20  each and includes 2 hour zoom class and handout. Classes are every Thursday starting January 7, 2021 7 pm CST. There are 23 classes in the Basic Witchcraft classes that are designed to get started on your Witchcraft pathway.  

January 2021 

Basic Witchcraft Class I: Beginning Witchcraft.  To register and pay please go the the link below:


Basic Witchcraft Class II: Grounding and Meditation. To register and pay please go the the link below:


Basic Witchcraft Class III: Sabbats and the Wheel of the Year. To register and pay please go the the link below:


Basic Witchcraft Class IV: Esbats and Lunar Magick.  To register and pay please go the the link below:


Basic Witchcraft Class V: Protection and Shielding  To register and pay please go the the link below:


Basic Witchcraft Class VI: Magick Tools and Record keeping To register and pay please go the the link below:


Chakras: learning to balance your Chakras January 17 at 5 pm CST is a 2 hour long class that includes a handout and a guided meditation.  Class will be on a zoom call. Class is $20 and includes 2 hour zoom class and handout.  To register and pay please go the the link below:


Shadow Work Healing Courses 12 classes in 2021 on the Second Sunday every month starting January 10 at 5 pm CST.  Shadow work classes are $15 for the first class that is 1 hour long and  $20 for the last 11 classes that are  and is a 2 hours class.  Each class is  once a month.  Class will be on Zoom, includes a handout, and worksheet for you to do your shadow work at home during the month on your own.  To register please go the the link below:

Shadow Work Class One: Healing yourself from the inside out Class is $15 and includes 1 hour zoom class and handout. To register and pay please go the the link below:


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